Ricko's Food:在米主婦の料理日記

Cooking Diary of a Japanese Housewife in US. Most of the recipes here are for two servings.

【Japanese】鳥のからあげ(Japanese Fried Chicken)


Tori no Karaage

鳥のもも肉をつけだれ(醤油、黒砂糖、酒、おろししょうが、おろしにんにく、とうがらし、ローリエ、梨のすりおろし)に一晩つけ、水気を切ってから、かたくり粉をまぶして 160℃の油で3分揚げる。一旦油から出して2分休ませ、油の温度を190℃に上げて、もう一度2分揚げる。

Cut chicken thights into one-bit size. Combine soy sauce, brown sugar, sake, grated ginger, grated garlic, a bay leaf, and grated pear. Marinate the chicken overnight in the mixture. Drain and wipe water off the chicken well. Dress the chicken with katakuri-ko (potato starch) lightly. Fry the chicken in oil of 160 C (= 325 F) for three minutes. Take the chicken out of the oil once. After two minutes, raise the heal of oil to 190 C (= 375 F). Fry the chicken again for two minutes.