Ricko's Food:在米主婦の料理日記

Cooking Diary of a Japanese Housewife in US. Most of the recipes here are for two servings.

【Japanese】とんみそ丼 (Ton-Miso Don)


Tonmiso Don

豚のももの薄切り肉200gを一口大に切る。あわせみそ(みそ、砂糖、酒、すりごま各大匙2)を豚肉によく揉みこんで、一緒にジップロックなどに入れて一晩おく。 ごま油で炒めて、ねぎの小口切りをたっぷりと加える。 炒めた豚肉をどんぶりに持ったご飯にのせる。

Cut a half pound of sliced pork loin into one-bite size. Mix two tablespoons of miso, sugar, Japanese sake, and grated white sesame each. Rub the pork with the mixture. Leave it (in a Ziploc) in a fridge overnight. Stir the pork with sesame oil. Add a lot of chopped scallion in it before turning off the heat. Put the stirred pork on steamed white rice in a rice bowl.
