Ricko's Food:在米主婦の料理日記

Cooking Diary of a Japanese Housewife in US. Most of the recipes here are for two servings.

【Special】Thanksgiving Dinner '07


Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving '07 Dinner Menu for Two
Turkey Lemon Saute with Mushroom Risotto and Greenpeas Saute, Vegetable Pasta Salad, and Onion Soup

Thanksgiving Entree

七面鳥のレモンソテー Lemon Marinated Turkey Saute

Marinate two pieces of turkey dark meat with lemon juice (3 tablespoons), brown sugar (3 tablespoons), grated garlic (1 tablespoon), grated ginger (1 tablespoon), and bay leaves. Leave them for over two hours. Heat a lot of butter in a pan. Wipe water off the turkey and put salt and pepper on it. Put the turkey in the pan and sautee it, pressing the meat to the pan with a lid. When one side of the turkey gets brown, turn it over and sautee the other side for five minutes with middle heat.

キノコのリゾット Mushroom Risotto

Slice one cup of porta bella mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms and sautee them with a half chopped onion. Add one cup of long grain rice. When rice gets half-transparent, add two cups of chicken soup, salt, thyme, and rosemary. When the soup gets boiled, put the lid on the pot and cook it for 20 minutes with low heat.

玉ねぎとグリンピースのソテー Greenpeas Saute

Sautee a quater sliced onion and a half cup of green peas with butter. Put salt and pepper when the onions gets half-transparent.

Pasta Salad

野菜パスタサラダ Vegetable Pasta Salad
レッドオニオンは1センチ角に切って、水にさらしておく。赤・緑パプリカとトマトも1センチ角に切っておく。パスタ(Risso という米の形をしたパスタ)を指定時間より2分ほど長めにゆでて、野菜と一緒に、ポン酢・オリーブオイル・塩コショウ・カレー粉(一つまみ程度)のドレッシングとよく混ぜる。荒熱がとれたら冷蔵庫でよく冷やす。

Chop a half red onion in one centimeter size and put them in water. Chop red pepper, green pepper, and roman tomatos likewise. Cook pasta (Risso) for the time in the instruction plus two minutes. Mix ponzu, orive oil, salt, pepper, curry powder. Dress the drained pasta and vegetables with the mixed dressing. Cool the salad in a fridge.

Onion Soup

オニオンスープ Onion Soup

Slice two and half onions. Sautee them with a lot of butter until they get caramelized. Add beef broth and heat until it gets boiled. Add salt and pepper. Pour the soup in a soup bowl and put mozzarella cheese and Parmesan cheese in it. Warm it in the oven until the cheese melts.
